Rockingham Community College News Release • July 7, 2022 • Gerri Hunt, RCC Director of Public Information
(Wentworth, NC) – Rockingham Community College announces a position changes and new hires.
Alice Hooker has been named to the full-time position of enrollment services specialist. She reports to Derick Satterfield, director of Enrollment Services. She previously served as administrative assistant in for Continuing Education. Hooker holds an Associate in Applied Science degree from RCC.
Maggie Murray has been named director of Student Engagement and Athletics. Her previous title was director of Student Life and Athletics, but the position has been restructured and renamed. Murray’s new duties include coordinating retention efforts at RCC. Murray holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees from Appalachian State University.
Kevin Tompkins accepted a full-time position of custodian. He reports to Housekeeping Supervisor William Timpson.
Richard Albright accepted a full-time position of academic and career counselor in RCC’s TRiO Student Support Services. He reports to Tianna Holloway, TRiO director. Albright earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees from North Carolina A&T University.