January 6, 2025 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting
1. Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Berger
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition
A. Lance Metzler, County Manager
Recognition of the Budget Department for obtaining the Distinguished Budget Presentation
Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This award is the
highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. Its attainment represents a
significant achievement by Rockingham County. In addition to receiving this award, special
recognition was also given in Performance Measures and Budget Process. Special
recognition is given when all three reviewers give the highest possible score in particular
B. Lance Metzler, County Manager
Consider approval of Recognition honoring employees that went above and beyond their
call of duty during Rockingham County’s Disaster Relief efforts for those in Western North
Engineering & Public Works: Jafarrell Chandler-Long, Mike Bowlin, Matt Lemons, Jason
Hylton, Jeff Nealy, Josh Carter, Brandon Hutchens, Eric Thompson, Robert Dillon and Billy
Department of Social Services: Heather Priddy, Jessica Saunders, Alyssa Edwards and
Lisa Chaney.
Fire Marshal’s office: Deputy Fire Marshal Jeremy Shelton
C. Lance Metzler, County Manager
Consider approval of a Resolution honoring the McMichael High School Phoenix Girls
Volleyball Team for their 2024 2A State Championship.
5. Approval of the January 6, 2025 Agenda.
6. Consent Agenda
Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request
for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner
A. Lance Metzler, County Manager
1. Consider approval of the policy for Rockingham County Courtroom Portrait Policy
2. Consider approval for the Resolution supporting for Williams Cos. Proposed Initiative to
Construct the Transco Southeast Supply Enhancement Project (“SSE Project”).
3. Consider approval for appointment of Don Powell to the Industrial Facilities and
Pollution Control Advisory Board. Term will begin January 6, 2025 and terminate January
5, 2027.
4. Consideration of appointment of Carye Dickerson and Cecil Cottrell to the Eastern
Piedmont NC Home Consortium with the term beginning 1/6/2025 and ending 1/5/2028.
B. Jan Bellard, Rockingham County Community Advisory Committee
Consideration of reappointment of Jan Bellard and Kristin Daniels to the Rockingham
County Community Advisory Committee with the term beginning 1/6/2025 and ending
C. Ronald Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
1. Consider approval of a Right of Way, requested by the Department of Transportation,
which will be located at the end of Roberts Farm Road, requiring use of a small portion of
the landfill property, that will not have a future use, for the landfill. This will be used for a
turnaround for school buses. With approval of the Commissioners, it is requested that the
Chairman sign the NC DOT Abandonment Petition to abandon 0.15 miles of SR 2362 –
Roberts Farm Road, which is a partial abandonment that is beyond the gate of the landfill.
2. Consider approval for $47,702.00 for repair of one elevator at the Courthouse. Elevator
dual pistons are damaged from wear and tear, no longer functioning correctly and leaking
hydraulic fluid. Funding from County Fund Balance.
D. Lindsay Pegg, Rockingham County TDA
Request consideration of adoption of the Creating Outdoor Recreation Economies (CORE)
Strategic Plan. Through CORE, Western Rockingham County collaborated with NC
Department of Commerce, Rural Econimic Development Division, staff members and local
stakeholders in a strategic planning process to identify and develop outdoor recreation
assets that present economic growth opportunties. The Western Rockingham County
CORE Plan proposes strategies, goals, objectives, and actions that Rockingham County
and both municipal and community partners can take to increase economic vitality by
leveraging outdoor recreation. Adoption of this plan signifies the importance of the
County’s tourism efforts and development of our outdoor recreation assets to drive visitor
spending. By working with economic partners such as NC Department of Commerce, the
Piedmont Triad Regional Council and other regional partners, Western Rockingham
County’s CORE Plan can leverage resources and capacity.
E. Clyde Albright, County Attorney
Consider approval of the Resolution for a request for Abandonment of (Approximately 0.2
miles) of SR 2339, Friddle Road, New Bethel Township.
F. Mandy McGhee, Finance Director
1. Appropriate $1,511 Additional state funds for implementation of the National Fatality
Review Case Reporting System (NCR-CRS). These funds were appropriated by the North
Carolina General Assembly to support implemenatation of the changes authorized in
NCSL 2023-134 in order to restructure child death reviews by Local Teams and to offset
the cost associated with Local Teams participationin NCF-CRS.
2. Appropriate $1,810 in Sheriff Department’s Federal Forfeiture Funds for the purchase of
(2) handguns and acessories for the Special Response Team (SRT).
3. Appropriate $6,361 dollars in State Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded to the Rockingham
County Library from the State Budget Act of 2021 (SL 2021-180).
4. Request to appropriate $1,031 in contractor sales tax to cover the overage in the debt
funded project (Project ID RS2436 – Dillard Academy HVAC). In December 2024, RCS
submitted a request for reimbursement for invoices related to RS2315 Holmes Vestibule.
This project was marked complete and closed in August with $32,640 unexpended.
Request approval to reallocate $7,478 to the Project ID RS2315 and process reimburse
RCS for the project.
G. Justin Thacker, Deputy Finance Director
1. Approve the Amended Sub-recipient agreement with Draper Volunteer Fire Department
that are required for grants awarded to the fire departments through the NC Current
Operations Appropriations Act, Session Law 2023-134. The County is the recipient of the
grants and must pass the grants along to the departments with the requirements
addressed in these agreements. Draper is requesting to change the scope of services
from expanding on their existing fire station to the creation of a new sub-station within the
district. Also, authorize the County Manager to sign this amended agreement.
2. Amend the RCC Workforce Development Center project ordinance and budget to
appropriate interest earnings $454 and sales tax reimbursement of $171,187 that is
available for eligible project costs.
3. Consider approval to close the South Rockingham Industrial Park Capital Project and
the related budget amendment. The South Rockingham Corporate Park Water &
Wastewater Project Fund was amended and closed in May 2024. However, the capital
project fund was reopened at the August 19, 2024 meeting when the County received
additional CDBG grant funds during the final close out of the project in July 2024.
H. Derek Southern, Asst. County Manager
Request to close finished CIP projects and reallocate remaining funds to Eden and
Reidsville EMS Base Update project. Eden EMS Base ($223,575) – Asphalt removal and
new concrete work, flooring, foundation sealing, door installation, painting, sidewalk repair
and catch basin/piping repair. Reidsville EMS Base ($39,525) – Gutter repair, flooring,
cabinet/counter tops repair, door repair, and HVAC work. Funds to be utilized from closed
out projects in the CIP plan that have been completed. Both project bids went through
RFP process. Both projects were in CIP for future years, but after detailed review of the
buildings it was concluded the projects needed to be moved forward to address building
I. Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
1. Consider order directing the Tax Collector to advertise unpaid 2024-2025 property taxes
as directed by NCGS 103-369.
2, Request the approval of Tax Collection and Reconcilliation Reports for November
including refunds for November 20, 2024 thru December 17, 2024.
J. Rodney Stewart, RCEMS Operations Supervisor
Consideration of approval for the financial statement of accounting reports of billing and
collections activity for October & November 2024 and accounts uncollected that are to be
written off. Lists of accounts are maintained and available for inspection in the EMS office.
K. Melissa Joyce, Fire Marshal
Consideration of appointment of the Fire Department Fire Commissioners for the calendar
year 2025.
7. Public Comment
8. Presentation
A. Sheriff Sam Page
Presentation to request to move Federal Forfeiture Funds to pay for Sheriff Page to attend
the National Sheriff’s Association Winter Legislative Conference in Washington, DC
February 1-5, 2025.
B. Clyde Albright, County Attorney
Presentation to consider the bid on the real property located at 1101 NC Hwy 65,
Wentworth, NC.
C. Mandy McGhee, Finance Director and Alan Thompson of Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams
& Co. P.A.
Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 financial audit and the Annual Comprehensive
Financial Report (ACFR).
D. Erselle Young, RCS Assistant Superintendent
Request to move Reidsville High School Media Center Reno (Project RS2440 – in the
amount of $300,000) and McMichael High School Auditorium Renovations (RS2441 in the
amount of $350,000) from debt funded to pay go using school capital reserve funds.
Request approval to transfer $90,000 in available funds from Project ID:: RS2419 –
Reidsville High School Lighting Upgrades to a new project for Reidsville High School
Baseball Field Safety Net Project (RS2502).
RCS requested to transfer available funds from RS2409 – Bethany Entry Vestibule
($100,000), RS2410 – Monroeton Entry Vestibule ($75,000), and RS2418 RCHS High
School Lighting ($200,000) to new Project ID: RS2503 for the Rockingham County High
School Safety Vestibule for a total project budget of ($375,000).
E. Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineerinng and Public Utilites and Bill Lester, LKC Engineering
1. Consider for approval a change in the contingency funding for US 220 Force Main
Upgrade Project from 10% to 15% of the total project budget, for a total contingency
amount of $3,250,500.00, to cover the cost of additional change orders. The 10%
contingency funding was approved by the Board of the 4-15-2024 Board meeting. Original
contingency and project budget was approved at the 7-17-2023 Board meeting.
2. Consider approval for construction of a new lift station at Fishing Creek to move the old
station from the flood plain. Funding is from DW1-VUR-ARP-0080 Funds. Approval of
ELJ Inc. as the contractor for an amount of $1,093,860,000 plus 10% contingency
($109,386.00) for total amount of $1,203,246.00. Approval for County Manager to approve
change orders up to $50,000.00 with out Board Approval. Approval of Board Resolution
(supplied) approving project construction.
F. Lance Metzler, County Manager
Consider approval of the implementation of the County’s Market Study, retention
adjustments and updated Salary Pay Plan. The market study was conducted by Piedmont
Triad Regional Council and the retention adjustments were reviewed by internal staff. Also
allow for the County Manager to have reasonable authority to adjust errors and make
corrections at his discretion.
9. New Business
10. Commissioner Comments
11. Closed Session
Pursuant to: NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5) Instruct Negotiating Agents
12. Adjourn